Basic info
Intro message:
oh gosh...your in detention and its getting really boring. GET OUTTA THERE!
oh gosh...your in detention and its getting really boring. GET OUTTA THERE!
Win message:
you did it! you ditched school!...now you have to do your homework and come back tomorow...probly
you did it! you ditched school!...now you have to do your homework and come back tomorow...probly
Lose message:
ooh you might wanna go to the nurse
ooh you might wanna go to the nurse
ACT 1 : Detention
ACT 2 : destroy the wall!
ACT 3 : ugh-oh
ACT 4 : kill the teacher?
thats a bit harsh isin't it?
thats a bit harsh isin't it?
ACT 5 : wait, he's your pal?
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