World in Ruins, day one / Analysis
By JacobFarsinger
03/26/2010 - 23:23:26
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Your feet touch the hard-as-rock ground, and you feel sick to your stomach. This couldn't be Xixas-5213 . . . Could it?
Your feet touch the hard-as-rock ground, and you feel sick to your stomach. This couldn't be Xixas-5213 . . . Could it?
Win message:
You rest, but it is drawn short when you hear the clatter of new trainees, battling dummies filled with straw. Get ready for another day.
You rest, but it is drawn short when you hear the clatter of new trainees, battling dummies filled with straw. Get ready for another day.
Lose message:
So ends the tale Xixus-5312, and all of it's people with it.
So ends the tale Xixus-5312, and all of it's people with it.
ACT 1 : Find the Survivors
Xixus-5213 . . . Home of great wealth and great technology. Military technology.Your mission was to find life . . . That's what I must do.
Xixus-5213 . . . Home of great wealth and great technology. Military technology.Your mission was to find life . . . That's what I must do.
ACT 2 : Enter the Crypt
You smell the faint smell of rot as you enter this complex. A gloom whispers throughout.Get to the city.
You smell the faint smell of rot as you enter this complex. A gloom whispers throughout.Get to the city.
ACT 3 : Your new job: Librarian!
It appears as though books are highly valuable here, I can't imagine why.Gonna have to look in every nook and cranny of this city for three stacks.
It appears as though books are highly valuable here, I can't imagine why.Gonna have to look in every nook and cranny of this city for three stacks.
ACT 4 : Return to the President
Time for me to give Xazxik these books, hope he likes them.
Time for me to give Xazxik these books, hope he likes them.
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