World in Ruins, day one / Analysis

By JacobFarsinger
03/26/2010 - 23:23:26

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Your feet touch the hard-as-rock ground, and you feel sick to your stomach. This couldn't be Xixas-5213 . . . Could it?
Win message:
You rest, but it is drawn short when you hear the clatter of new trainees, battling dummies filled with straw. Get ready for another day.
Lose message:
So ends the tale Xixus-5312, and all of it's people with it.
ACT 1 :   Find the Survivors
Xixus-5213 . . . Home of great wealth and great technology. Military technology.Your mission was to find life . . . That's what I must do.
ACT 2 :   Enter the Crypt
You smell the faint smell of rot as you enter this complex. A gloom whispers throughout.Get to the city.
ACT 3 :   Your new job: Librarian!
It appears as though books are highly valuable here, I can't imagine why.Gonna have to look in every nook and cranny of this city for three stacks.
ACT 4 :   Return to the President
Time for me to give Xazxik these books, hope he likes them.
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