The Twilight (V2) / Analysis

By Scrag333
12/06/2009 - 02:19:57
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You have beamed down to a strang planet. You do not know why, but it was as if you heard strange voice calling to you.
You have beamed down to a strang planet. You do not know why, but it was as if you heard strange voice calling to you.
Win message:
You have summoned the dawn and banished the twilight from this planet! But the worst is yet to come...
You have summoned the dawn and banished the twilight from this planet! But the worst is yet to come...
Lose message:
Now the dark shall gain in power, and all shall fall before it.
Now the dark shall gain in power, and all shall fall before it.
ACT 1 : Twilight Hour
Talk to the being who is in power here.
Talk to the being who is in power here.
ACT 2 : Investigation
Search for information on the twilight.
Search for information on the twilight.
ACT 3 : Knowledge is power
Search for clues as to what it is that you found.
Search for clues as to what it is that you found.
ACT 4 : The past
Ask the soldiers for evidence concerning the twilight.
Ask the soldiers for evidence concerning the twilight.
ACT 5 : What has gone before
The time machine works! Talk with the krux you see.
The time machine works! Talk with the krux you see.
ACT 6 : The begining
It's happened! Get back to the village!
It's happened! Get back to the village!
ACT 7 : Always darkest before the Dawn
Find the portal! Maybe something there will give you a clue!
Find the portal! Maybe something there will give you a clue!
ACT 8 : Purifying light
You did it! Speak with the beings you see around you.
You did it! Speak with the beings you see around you.
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