Basic info
Intro message:
Time to battle, your soldiers tell that they saw the enemie close... Will you be capable to win this imminent battle?
Time to battle, your soldiers tell that they saw the enemie close... Will you be capable to win this imminent battle?
Win message:
Congratulations! You won the battle against the Brabans! Is time to go now.
Congratulations! You won the battle against the Brabans! Is time to go now.
Lose message:
You have been throwed to ground and the Barbans finally won the battle.
You have been throwed to ground and the Barbans finally won the battle.
ACT 1 : Barbans Attacking?
You are in the battle field, talk to your soldiers to get more informations.
You are in the battle field, talk to your soldiers to get more informations.
ACT 2 : Battle Fighting
Time to fight!
Time to fight!
ACT 3 : Victory!
You won the battle! Congratulations!
You won the battle! Congratulations!
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