An Inconvinient Truth / Analysis
By AlanThe3rd
11/22/2009 - 14:43:26
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Odd. You've recieved radiowaves from this planet, but it looks completely barren and devoid of life, so you've beemed down to investigate.
Odd. You've recieved radiowaves from this planet, but it looks completely barren and devoid of life, so you've beemed down to investigate.
Win message:
Didja figure it out? If you'd noticed, this planet is shaped like Earth. You travelled through South and North America during your mission. But you danced, dude. Harsh.
Didja figure it out? If you'd noticed, this planet is shaped like Earth. You travelled through South and North America during your mission. But you danced, dude. Harsh.
Lose message:
Man, this planet's weather is dan-ger-ous! Try again, but try and avoid the hazards, for god's sake...
Man, this planet's weather is dan-ger-ous! Try again, but try and avoid the hazards, for god's sake...
ACT 1 :
Deploy the stairs and deactivate the protecive field by pressing the button and follow the trail of rocks.
Deploy the stairs and deactivate the protecive field by pressing the button and follow the trail of rocks.
ACT 2 :
Good lord! Upon stepping onto the planet's surface, you suffer a nearly unbearble heat and an extremely acidic atmosphere, filled with CO2! Find the source of the radiowaves.
Good lord! Upon stepping onto the planet's surface, you suffer a nearly unbearble heat and an extremely acidic atmosphere, filled with CO2! Find the source of the radiowaves.
ACT 3 :
Now that you're across the bridge, you can make out... The shapes... Of buildings? This requires examination!
Now that you're across the bridge, you can make out... The shapes... Of buildings? This requires examination!
ACT 4 :
This is not looking good. Head north by following the trail of rocks around the city.Credit goes to Grimbot for the towers.
This is not looking good. Head north by following the trail of rocks around the city.Credit goes to Grimbot for the towers.
ACT 5 :
Well, that was the outcome of the planet. Time to leave. Go through the activated tele-com to return to the walkway. But before you do...
Well, that was the outcome of the planet. Time to leave. Go through the activated tele-com to return to the walkway. But before you do...
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