An Inconvinient Truth / Analysis

By AlanThe3rd
11/22/2009 - 14:43:26

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Odd. You've recieved radiowaves from this planet, but it looks completely barren and devoid of life, so you've beemed down to investigate.
Win message:
Didja figure it out? If you'd noticed, this planet is shaped like Earth. You travelled through South and North America during your mission. But you danced, dude. Harsh.
Lose message:
Man, this planet's weather is dan-ger-ous! Try again, but try and avoid the hazards, for god's sake...
ACT 1 :   
Deploy the stairs and deactivate the protecive field by pressing the button and follow the trail of rocks.
ACT 2 :   
Good lord! Upon stepping onto the planet's surface, you suffer a nearly unbearble heat and an extremely acidic atmosphere, filled with CO2! Find the source of the radiowaves.
ACT 3 :   
Now that you're across the bridge, you can make out... The shapes... Of buildings? This requires examination!
ACT 4 :   
This is not looking good. Head north by following the trail of rocks around the city.Credit goes to Grimbot for the towers.
ACT 5 :   
Well, that was the outcome of the planet. Time to leave. Go through the activated tele-com to return to the walkway. But before you do...
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