The World's End / Analysis

By Comicman
10/12/2009 - 18:24:47

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.09 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
In hopes of finding a way to cure your planet of pollution, you find "'The Aincent Book"'
Win message:
Your homeplanet was destroyed. You are the only survivor...........
Lose message:
Your Homeplanet was destroyed. There were no survivors...........
ACT 1 :   The Book
Somthing's strange about that book....
ACT 2 :   Get Outside
*Crash!!*What was that?! Get outside! NOW!!!!
ACT 3 :   The Heavens
The Pollution has caused the planet's orbit to slow down and go on a collison course with a meteor shower! Find cover!!!
ACT 4 :   The Dead Rise Again
Toxic chemicals from factories have leaked into the soil and animated dead corpses! Survive!
ACT 5 :   Lands Aflame
The pollution has caused the heat of the atmosphere to increase dramatically! Get of the gound!!
ACT 6 :   Burning Earth
might as well wait it out from up here
ACT 7 :   Water World
The ice caps have melted and the water level has increased from 75% to 92%
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