San Franco Hotel Resort / Analysis

By Theblahofboo
08/15/2009 - 13:08:48
Type: Socialize adventure
Rating: -0.04 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to San Franco hotel Resort! Lets go sign in at the hotel! But first a little detour...
Welcome to San Franco hotel Resort! Lets go sign in at the hotel! But first a little detour...
Win message:
Now you have to protect Farion! Ugh... Don't forgot to try the second chapter coming soon!
Now you have to protect Farion! Ugh... Don't forgot to try the second chapter coming soon!
Lose message:
This is not your kind of vacation!
This is not your kind of vacation!
ACT 1 : The Ropes
Welcome to the deepsea diving platform! Lets ask a fellow diver to learn the ropes...
Welcome to the deepsea diving platform! Lets ask a fellow diver to learn the ropes...
ACT 2 : Happy!
You made him happy! Go talk to him!
You made him happy! Go talk to him!
ACT 3 : One last thing...
I think he wants to talk to you one more time...
I think he wants to talk to you one more time...
ACT 4 : Diving time!
Go jump!
Go jump!
ACT 5 : Were under Attack!
What in the world just happend? Go talk to their chief and create a dimplomatic intervation!
What in the world just happend? Go talk to their chief and create a dimplomatic intervation!
ACT 6 : Defeat the Iwantans!
The policemen are here!
The policemen are here!
ACT 7 : There all gone...
All the Iwantan's are gone... Lets go see what everybody got to say!
All the Iwantan's are gone... Lets go see what everybody got to say!
ACT 8 : We end by dancing!?
Find Farion! Didn't he say he was going to the nightclub?
Find Farion! Didn't he say he was going to the nightclub?
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