crashed / Analysis

By metalica421
07/12/2009 - 18:19:37

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
you were flying home when you crashed on this planet part 2
Win message:
gratz now you can go home
Lose message:
you die in the arena and all your stuff is sold for 40 credits
ACT 1 :   back to the hotel
go back to hotel
ACT 2 :   find a quest
there is no arena fights so go look for a qeust to get some cash
ACT 3 :   collect
collect the gems
ACT 4 :   leave
get the last pile and leave
ACT 5 :   home
go back to your hotel room
there is a new areana fight
ACT 7 :   The BOSS
fight the boss
ACT 8 :   home

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