Starship Trooper / Analysis

By apollo11
07/08/2009 - 02:22:55

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You beam down inside an artificial atmosphere surrounding a starship. Find out what's going on...
Win message:
Victory! The station is being boarded by Wooloolooian forces.
Lose message:
All those Wooloolooians died in vain...
ACT 1 :   Emergency!
You have landed inside an artificial atmosphere surrounding a starship. Find out what's going on.
ACT 2 :   Attack!
The Hoockelblaghnargs are getting reinforcements from that station. We can't beam down troops fast enough to hold them off! Talk to the Field Commander to see how you can help.
ACT 3 :   A Possible Solution
Talk to the engineers.
ACT 4 :   Steve's Plan
Follow Captain Steve's orders.
ACT 5 :   Sacrifice
Steeeeeeve!!! Nooooo!
ACT 6 :   A Hero's Death
Speak to the field commander, who is now atop another ship.
ACT 7 :   Bloody Vengeance
Destroy the reactor, and its guard.
ACT 8 :   It's Time for Some Epic
Finish it!
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