User creations: EvilStGood

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By EvilStGood
10/08/2012 - 16:37:09

Type: Creature
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: ben 10, benwolf, luna lobo, man of action, sonic h...

By EvilStGood
10/08/2012 - 15:47:08

Type: Captain
Rating: 0.52 (Not rated)
Tags: assassin, hearts, kingdom, nobody, squaresoft

By EvilStGood
02/08/2012 - 00:53:40

Type: Colonial creature
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

By EvilStGood
11/11/2010 - 20:47:22

Type: Creature
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

By EvilStGood
07/27/2010 - 21:56:05

Type: Captain
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

By EvilStGood
07/24/2010 - 00:54:29

Type: Captain
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: covenant, halo 3, shields, sniper

By EvilStGood
06/05/2010 - 00:22:56

Type: Creature
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: 4 ft.tall, 7 ft long, bipedal, color ranges from b...

By EvilStGood
06/04/2010 - 23:39:19

Type: Captain
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: disclaimer; sven-gutentaag-freaky flyers- belongs ...

By EvilStGood
06/04/2010 - 21:12:09

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)
Tags: biped, crested, display, forest, herbivore, kasita...

By EvilStGood
06/01/2010 - 00:13:55

Type: Colonial creature
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

By EvilStGood
04/06/2010 - 20:38:04

Type: Creature
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

By EvilStGood
04/06/2010 - 20:26:07

Type: Creature
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: 3 sensory organs on its back, extra set of stubby ...

By EvilStGood
03/26/2010 - 23:27:18

Type: Colonial creature
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: one brain, three legs, two heads

By EvilStGood
01/26/2010 - 02:29:37

Type: Creature
Rating: 1.36 (Not rated)
Tags: also harbors cyanobacteria and algae, epic sized, ...

By EvilStGood
02/16/2009 - 20:24:59

Type: Colonial creature
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: ex-humans, really mean, scavangers, these are real...

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