Subscriptions of rfc1542
Subscribed to rfc1542
rfc1542 is subscribed to 13 Sporecasts
By 31dragons98
11/19/2013 - 18:01:26
These are for all the Dark DNA creatures that where infected by the Dark DNA!!
Rating: 0

By HeroChallenge
03/10/2011 - 20:28:21
Redesigned to feature creative and unique creations!
Rating: 306
Tags: [darkspore, spore, rebecca1208]

By 31dragons98
11/09/2013 - 23:21:23
Bio: This is where all the Robotic Dragon's with the DR Pepper Bot parts comes in!!!
Rating: 0

By ZeWqt
01/12/2013 - 08:06:01
A collection of templates made by me. You don't have to give me credit, but it would be nice :)
Rating: 1

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