Months have passed since I was last on....I'm BACK
User registered: 11/07/2008 - 01:08:00
Subscriptions of flamedrinker
Subscribed to flamedrinker
flamedrinker is subscribed to 20 Sporecasts
By BlankVerse
12/27/2010 - 10:15:37
Insects, spiders, centipedes, crabs and other crustaceans, trilobites, etc.
Rating: 9
Tags: [blue!, trilobites, blankverse, crustaceans, bvx, 25-subscribers, blue-smiley, crabs, insects, spiders, centipedes, millipedes]

By BlankVerse
11/25/2010 - 20:02:01
All of my creations that have creatortips.
Rating: 6
Tags: [blue!, blankverse, creator, creatortips, bvx, 24-subscribers, blue-smiley, creatortip, was-25-subscribers, creator tip, tips]

By chefcook90
11/15/2010 - 04:31:33
Lots of colorful birds :)
Rating: 48
Tags: [avian birds flying wings bird]

By Galaxia76
01/25/2010 - 23:01:20
A cool and creepy expanse of creepy-crawlers and insects of all sorts.
Rating: 28
Tags: [largest insect based sporecast, creatures, ticks, insectiphobia, evolved, arachniphobia, segmented, insects, spiders, creepie, scorpian, tarantula, creative, bugs, arachnids, crawly, creepie crawly, legs, all encompassing]