DJ Eternal Darkness!
User registered: 06/18/2008 - 17:59:00
Subscriptions of eternaldakrness
Subscribed to eternaldakrness
eternaldakrness is subscribed to 3 Sporecasts
By Bernoully
09/09/2008 - 09:39:13
Beware of food that bites back or runs away! Thanks to the Maxis team for the feature! :)
Rating: 465
Tags: [weird, yummy, fast food, cuisine, nom nom nom, tasty, cute, delicious, food, funny]

By Viltord
09/23/2008 - 11:01:48
You can see my dragons here.
Itt láthatod a sárkányaimat.
Rating: 4
Tags: [feather, fantasy, green, legend, interesting, black, mythical, dragon, brown, grey, monster, mythology, feathery, red, legendary, wings, wing, creature]

By Viltord
09/23/2008 - 11:14:51
You can see my pokemons here.
Itt láthatod a pokémonjaimat.
Rating: 0.82
Tags: [legend, furret, dragon, flygon, cyan, spike, spotted, red, skarmory, white, rare, elecktrike, fire, nidorino, fantasy, ampharos, electabuzz, brown, tiger, strange, drowzee, kadabra, armor, horn, stripy, spot, linoone, pikachu, pokémon, creature, lugia, pink, strong, togetic, eevee, yellow, mewtwo, venonat, cute, mankey, legendary, quagsire, charizard, breloom, mew, striped, green, azumarill, pokemon, hoppip, interesting, black, numel, leaf, grey, groudon, monster, beige, blue, dragonite, purple, ivysaur, cyndaquil, lapras]