Subscriptions of elfbaggins
Subscribed to elfbaggins
elfbaggins is subscribed to 10 Sporecasts
By cjteam
05/29/2009 - 20:03:54
Battlestar Galactica stuff
Rating: 4
Tags: [battlestar battlestar galactic]

By Pasadema
05/28/2009 - 08:44:34
Ships which are at least big enough to carry a few fighters.
Rating: 11
Tags: [big, capital, flag, flagships, realistis, star, flagship, dreadnought, destroyer, space, corvette, ships, trek, frigate, starships, freighter, spaceships, wars]

By Kaidian
11/15/2010 - 14:14:30
This Featured Sporecast consists of Cool Structures found on Sporepedia. Please rate up! =)
Rating: 494
Tags: [featured, castle, spice, dwelling, hall, office, lab, building, amazing, realistic, complex, empire, landmark, citadel, tower, barracks, superb, fabrication, workshop, mall, town center, epic, community, manufacture, plant, unique, nexus, colony, pod, entertainment, housing, production, best, industry, house, alien, settlement, observatory, refinery, feature, spire, design, city hall, architecture, factory, set, cool, abode, compound, great, structure, awesome, kaidian, temple, facility, apartment, gateway, outpost, territory]

By Lucreator
09/01/2009 - 03:33:14
Rating: 0