User profile: Words5

~Specto Subitus~

User registered: 01/16/2009 - 23:29:00

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Words5 is subscribed to 3 Sporecasts

By Remypas
02/13/2011 - 22:43:26

These Missions are all reviewed in my forum thread and found good!

Rating: 206
Tags: ["remypas worthy missions", strategist, remypas, krawkpaladin, review thread]

2125 Subscriptions
579 Creations filed

By masscolder
02/12/2009 - 20:49:32

While TCP is on hiatus the sporecast will be pollinated with new content from past features

Rating: 173
Tags: [tcp]

897 Subscriptions
153 Creations filed

By PieIsYummy
01/29/2009 - 03:32:19

This sporecast contains almost every template, usable ones that is.

Rating: 7

43 Subscriptions
513 Creations filed

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