Subscriptions of VexTheSane
Subscribed to VexTheSane
VexTheSane is subscribed to 5 Sporecasts
By Hawk3y394
08/30/2009 - 01:01:14
Rating: 2

By Ameretat
08/04/2009 - 21:04:12
Sets i created and my originals (along with Ameretat creations Sporecast)
Rating: 0

By Ringeltree
12/06/2010 - 22:52:57
Adventures I particularly enjoyed. Some are tough, some are easy. My tastes are eclectic.
Rating: 20
Tags: [adventure, variety, ga, favorite, adventures, fun]

By Pal101
07/18/2009 - 23:57:29
Missions that I feel are of high quality for humor, story, creativity, atmosphere or plain fun.
Rating: 10
Tags: [high quality, atomosphere, spore, good, pal101, humor, missions, plain, ga, creativity, galactic, adventures, fun, story]

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