Subscriptions of Rosana
Subscribed to Rosana
Rosana is subscribed to 7 Sporecasts
By Cheetah
09/20/2008 - 11:47:14
A complete alphabet of creatures. Just creatures, no vehicles, buildings or outfitted creatures.
Rating: 1
Tags: [abc, set, the spore zone, series, sporezone, tsz, alphabet, tszcheetah]

By Cheetah
09/20/2008 - 11:48:19
Watch Crolpy evolve to Crolper, from small creature to astronaut!
Rating: 0
Tags: [red, crolper, set, the spore zone, series, croply, sporezone, black, tsz, brick, tszcheetah]

By Cheetah
09/20/2008 - 11:23:01
A sporecast of all the Galfrek stuff, from creature to space. Includes creatures from Galfrek Labs.
Rating: 2
Tags: [orange, red, set, series, sporezone, tsz, "the spore zone", galfrek, tszcheetah]

By divewolf
03/03/2009 - 17:48:14
My raven clan. Why the name? What you've never read Edgar Allan Poe?
Rating: 2
Tags: [divewolf, nevermore, raven, birds]