User registered: 09/08/2008 - 17:22:00
Subscriptions of Konrad1000
Subscribed to Konrad1000
Konrad1000 is subscribed to 8 Sporecasts
By Digi-P
09/04/2008 - 10:50:29
Seven color magical hamster series.
Rating: 35
Tags: [magic, magical, digi-p, hamster, animal, cute]

By Digi-P
02/11/2009 - 04:38:11
My favorite creations selected from my creations and my buddy creations. Final Update: 05/10/2009
Rating: 35
Tags: [digi-p, buddy, favorite]

By Sakiara
10/15/2008 - 07:18:11
If you have any comments, requests, etc., post on the forum thread or msg me at Saki's mail.
Rating: 101
Tags: [sakiara, artists, creators, fav, community, favorite]

By Yanustek
11/19/2008 - 07:10:29
My series of ships from a alien race known as the Quantium.
Rating: 10
Tags: [yanus, race, quantium, alien]