Subscriptions of JGvardija
Subscribed to JGvardija
JGvardija is subscribed to 16 Sporecasts
By Glowshadow
10/18/2008 - 16:56:02
Please visit us on the Sporum, at:
Rating: 62

By Ceece
09/11/2008 - 20:41:01
This is a Sporecast made up of only evolved cell creatures.
Rating: 250
Tags: [cells, creatures, starters, cute, early]

By Sakiara
10/15/2008 - 07:18:11
If you have any comments, requests, etc., post on the forum thread or msg me at Saki's mail.
Rating: 101
Tags: [sakiara, artists, creators, fav, community, favorite]

By Sakiara
10/17/2008 - 00:33:31
If you have any comments, requests, etc. post on the forum thread or msg me at Saki's mail.
Rating: 77
Tags: [brilliant, sakiara, artists, creatures, creators, fav, community, appealing, favorite]