User profile: BlackRayquaza

Coming Soon: The Adventures Of Captain Beetle!
User registered: 09/07/2008 - 22:51:00
Subscriptions of BlackRayquaza
Subscribed to BlackRayquaza
BlackRayquaza is subscribed to 3 Sporecasts
By MightyReg
03/19/2009 - 20:55:37
Many creations from the Nintendo games in 8-bit.
Rating: 14
Tags: [ice climbers, nintendo, yoshi, mario, megaman, 8-bit, pac-man, zelda, snes, nes, pixel, kirby, samus]

By ErrorJustin
09/08/2008 - 08:19:08
A collection of the BEST Nintendo Spore creations, with no duplicates.
Rating: 44
Tags: [nintendo, yoshi, goomba, wii, bowser, zelda, donkey kong, mario, koopa, metroid, f-zero]

By Pentadact
09/17/2008 - 13:16:54
Back from the dead. Thanks for fixing it, Maxis.
Rating: 2705

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