User registered: 06/21/2008 - 07:10:00
Subscriptions of Anaxymander
Subscribed to Anaxymander
Anaxymander is subscribed to 19 Sporecasts
By AileenaSnow
09/04/2008 - 02:31:24
Abduct these aliens into your own game! These mostly humaoids have excellent animations! :)
Rating: 8
Tags: [humanoids, humanoid, bidpeds, aliens, alien, sentient]

By Squid81
09/04/2008 - 07:46:18
These creatures all have an alien parasite growing in their brain that control their every move.
Rating: 1
Tags: [clamorous creature series]

By AileenaSnow
09/04/2008 - 02:54:04
These animal type creatures all have excellent animations! Enjoy! =)
Rating: 15
Tags: [mantenna, animal, purple, detail, animate, creature, gameplay]

By Gritmonger
09/03/2008 - 23:39:58
Alien creatures, mostly with no Earth analogues, still animate well.
Rating: 0.95