Vincit Qui Se Vincit
User registered: 08/21/2008 - 15:33:00
Subscriptions of AlexAstartes
Subscribed to AlexAstartes
AlexAstartes is subscribed to 20 Sporecasts
By ShardsOfBlue
09/08/2008 - 13:42:57
Tiny dragon pets engineered for your enjoyment. Collect them all!
Rating: 16
Tags: [small, tiny, dragon, cute, pet]

By ThrowerOfStones
10/12/2008 - 19:40:10
For those who want a snazzy, high quality early creature stage.
Rating: 29

By Triyujin
09/08/2008 - 12:25:16
Expand Your Universe! --Updated Daily-- By Triyujin
Rating: 21
Tags: [civilized, expand, triyujin, universe, galactic, pack, civic]

By Daikaze
04/23/2009 - 05:55:47
A collection of creatures that I think are just plain awesome.
Rating: 24
Tags: [awesome, cool, magnificent, best, collection, awesomness, favorite, great]