Fey Queen Oberina

By Miikka64
07/26/2024 - 17:27:48

Type: Captain
Rating: 3.95 (Good)
Tags: gaprop


Fairies, fey folk, or "sylvanians" (their semi-scientific name), whichever term you choose to call them, were a race of magical creatures born in the realm of Avalon to Fey Queen Oberina and Fey King Titanus. Being beings formed from the union of two divine entities, fairies' bodies weren't bound by the limitations of biology. In ages long gone, they could shapeshift at will, using this ability to trick and play with mortal souls who earned the right to challenge the trials of the Eternal Isle?to earn a place in the heaven of Chivalry. Though manifestations of the Might of Chivalry, the fey folk were not bound by its "rules" unlike their makers, and were free to act in whatever manner they see fit?as long as their actions assess the souls passing through their domain.

When the "age of heroes" ended on the eve of the Unspoken War, many fey folk left their home of Avalon and scattered across the galaxy to prevent their home from fading away. They sought out worthy souls who exhibited the traits of chivalry in life?bravery, loyalty, and honor?hoping to rekindle the Noble Flame and restore their home before it was too late. However, fairies, having only known one another and the children of Chivalry, were unprepared for the cruel reality that awaited them beyond Avalon. Greedy and cruel mortals imprisoned them, used them for their own gain, or hunted them for sport. The innocent, wide-eyed fey folk fell into despair as their ignorance of the world beyond Avalon was revealed, and eventually began turning against the mortals in their attempts to defend themselves. But this was no longer seen as "chivalrous" by whoever was judging them, and they would soon find their magic withering away to specks?taking with it their immortality and reducing them to little more than shadows of their former selves. These miserable souls would "earn" a new name: pixie, meaning "scoundrel trickster" in the Olden Gamelotian tongue.

It is universally believed that not a single fairy that left Avalon during the "Scattering of Fluttering Wings" has survived to the present day without being reduced to a pixie. And with the Goddess of Chivalry still missing, the fates of the fairies that didn't leave their home are just as uncertain as of those who did.

?I see blood mingled in desperation for justice. Vengeance, upon the one whose flawed concept brought forth the downfall of all her kin.?


DNA points
59 Bones1 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +0
2 %
100 %
8 / 20
3 / 20
10 / 15
2 / 51 / 53 / 5
1 / 51 / 53 / 5
4 / 51 / 54 / 5
1 / 50 / 5

By Benjami

I might know of one fairy who may have survived. And somehow I've been getting the feeling lately that she might hold a little grudge. I dunno, just a hunch.


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