
By Benjami
07/12/2024 - 17:56:58

Type: Captain
Rating: 5 (Good)
Tags: gaprop


The Three Conditions 1/2

For interstellar travel to be feasible in Benjami?s Galaxy, three conditions need to be met. The first is that of price: there is no point in even considering travelling between planets or stars, if there is no technology that can reach the speeds required to do so within reasonable resource costs. Fortunately, this issue was solved by a technology known as ?Sporillium Drive?. For a reason that is still a mystery to academics across the galaxy, most planets come with rich supplies of spice, which can be processed into a fuel known as Sporillium. What makes this fuel stand out from other propellants is not the power of its thrust, as greater forces are easily available. The reason is its efficiency. A drop of Sporillium can burn and produce thrust for hours, a barrel for weeks, a tank for months. With continuous acceleration, a ship equipped with a Sporillium Drive can eventually reach low-causal speeds, the minimum requirement for practical space travel.

By ?low-causal?, scientists and engineers in Benjami?s Galaxy refer to the Speed of Causality, the maximum speed an object can have while still obeying Benjimus? laws of physics. To be low-causal means that while the object is nowhere near the maximum speed limit, it is fast enough to dwell within comparison range.

However, being remotely within the proximity of causality isn?t enough for the accessible space travel between stars that the denizens of Benjami?s Galaxy are accustomed to today. Hence the second condition: time. Sporillium Drives make it cheap and efficient to travel through space, but space is big. Really big. Even with low-causal speeds, it would still take ages to reach anywhere, not to mention the time it takes to actually reach low-causal. This is where the solution of the Currents comes in. A well-documented, yet barely understood phenomenon that causes random spots in the galaxy to experience time by multiplied factors. In one place, time might move five times faster, at another ten times slower. By planning routes carefully, pilots can ride specific Currents to greatly reduce their travel time from the perspective of the rest of the universe. For those within the ship, there?s a wide variety of stasis and age-halting technologies to mitigate the side-effects of riding the Currents.

With these two conditions met, space travel is now cheap and fast. Yet one problem remains, and that is gravity. As mentioned before, Sporillium Drives allow for a cheap way to eventually accelerate into low-causal speeds, with the Currents serving as a way to mitigate the ?eventually? part. But as acceleration increases, so do the g-forces on the ship and its inhabitants. Long before anything with mass could actually reach anything near low-causal, it would be completely destroyed in the process by the gravitational forces.

To solve the issue of extreme g-forces, a device known as the Constant was invented. Its actual name varies between species and languages, as the technology has been independently deviced numerous times as new civilizations tend to stumble upon it themselves in their search of fulfilling the three conditions. The name ?Constant? thus comes from a common nickname that has since been accepted by universal translators. And a fitting nickname it is, as its purpose is to mitigate the g-forces inside a vessel, despite the vessel itself experiencing high acceleration.



DNA points
33 Bones1 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +0
0 %
2 %
2 / 20
1 / 20
0 / 15
1 / 51 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 50 / 5
1 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

By peanutjub

Some seriously cool outfitting here! Can?t wait to check it out in-game.


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