Mourning Dove
Not rated

By 321Aerobird
05/06/2024 - 13:04:08

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.92 (Not rated)
Tags: 321aerobird, adult, ave, bird, black, brown, cute, dove, female, male, modded, mourn, mourning, pink, realistic, song, tan, update


Zenaida macroura
Diet: seeds (majority of diet), insects and snails.
Distribution: Most of the US, S part of Canada, Southern portion of NA (some live year round, some migrate)
The Mourning Dove is a widespread dove with large numbers among the NA continent. Male and females look alike in appearance. The species tend to be monogamous. Courtship begins with the male showing off his gliding skills. The male will approach the female with his chest puffed out, bobbing his head and making calls. They will raise two squabs per brood and will have multiple broods in a breeding season. Warmer areas can increase the number of broods per year. Both male and female doves will the young with their special crop milk from their crop.
Doves actually drink their water by suction instead of the usual of letting gravity help swallow the water down for most birds. Even some Australian finches can use the suction method of drinking water.
Song: oowoo-woo-woo-woo (mournful sounding)
When the dove takes flight they will make a fluttering whistling sound due to their wings.

ATTENTION: You may use this creation, but please only keep 321Aerobird in the tags to give credit.


DNA points
46 Bones2 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +3
9 %
100 %
8 / 20
3 / 20
10 / 15
4 / 51 / 55 / 5
0 / 52 / 54 / 5
4 / 50 / 51 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

By Flowercakesclaw

My partner's favorite bird... Love it so much l3

By xmrsmoothx

Beautiful bird. Great job. Every part of them looks realistic.

By 321Aerobird

Here is an updated version of the Mourning Dove and this time it has pink legs/feet (mostly).


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