The Big Butter Battle - Book 2
Not rated
By Pezzalis
11/07/2023 - 04:56:40
Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.14 (Not rated)
Tags: battle, book, butter, dr, dr seuss, green eggs and ham, lorax, mad, myst, nuclear, outer wilds, pez, pezzalis, puzzle, seuss, the, the wall, wall, who
Your pretty new uniform is ready - get in it. The Big Butter Battle is coming, and you're going to begin it!
This adventure contains a story-driven puzzle inspired by Outer-Wilds. Pay attention!
Book 2- Please complete puzzle-mode in Book 1 first.
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By HRmatthew
Finally completed it on the actual adventure. Great setpieces and use of Spore's lesser known AI tricks
By HRmatthew
Man I STILL haven't played through this...my bad. Need to set aside the time
By Ebi_Tempura
This is an amazing display of how the GA engine can be used. Thank you for making this, and the first one too. If I had one complaint it's that you can get stuck in some of the geometry. Other than that this is the best spore adventure I have played.