
By TheHorizons
08/23/2022 - 03:10:04

Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 7.5 (Good)
Tags: 10, 321aerobird, black, donald, douglas, engine, favorite, railway, scotland, steam, ten, tender, thehorizons, thomas, thomasthetankengine, ttte, twin


Douglas is the number 10 engine on the Fat Controller?s railway which is the North Western Railway (NWR).
BACKSTORY: Douglas and his twin Donald escaped from their old railway in Scotland to prevent himself from being scrapped. In reality, the Fat Controller ordered one which was Donald. So, both worked hard on the railway to show both were worth keeping. Easily dealt with goods trains and did well with shunting. They became quick friends with Duck (8). With their hard work, both twins dealt with some mishaps. Donald backed up into a switch box and Douglas had two: one with miss placing a special coach and the other accidentally destroying a brakevan (the brakevan deserved it for earlier being a jerk to Douglas on his goods trains). Later on, winter came to the island of Sodor and huge snowfall came. The twins were well experience in dealing with snow, and could easily plow snow with both their tenders connected to a coach. They both saved Henry (3) when he was stuck in the snow. Through, the help of the other engines they helped to show the twins were worth keeping. The Fat Controller agreed to keep both of them on the NWR. These days they often work in the Little Western with Duck (8) and Oliver (11) and take goods trains across the island.
PERSONALITY: Both of the twins are hardworking, mature and even like to play a few jokes. They don?t mind the work given to them and will do it well. Even dealing with snow and clearing the tracks during the winter. The twins don?t like being apart from each other and enjoy doing their work together. Still, it has been seen they still can do things alone. The twins occasionally can have their squabbles/arguments but in the end, they make up. The twins did have a dislike for diesels, but through time they accepted BoCo (the kind diesel) and other good-mannered diesels. Douglas out of the two is smart and tends to be calmer. He has had fears of being scrapped but with this experience, he was able to do something amazing. He helped save Oliver (11) and Toad (brakevan) from scrap.
EDITS: This creation is even closer to the actual model with the edit of the handrails on the boiler and over the face of the smokebox. Added one of the splashers near the first driving wheels. The tender has been slightly edited as well. Now, I have exhausted asymmetry to the point I can?t do any more with adding parts. I wish spore had made the maximum complexity bar higher for the editors and this model would have been more detailed.
SOURCE: https://ttte.fandom.com/wiki/Donald_and_Douglas_(T%26F)
NOTE: Design based on the model series. Personality is mostly from the model series, but a hint of the CGI series is added in. In my opinion, the best version of Donald and Douglas is in the model series. The CGI series kinda messed them up by squabbling at each other all the time. Though, one movie did well with their personalities.
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