By TheHorizons
08/17/2022 - 03:47:32
Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 9 (Good)
Tags: 2, 321aerobird, blue, controller, edward, engine, favorite, hardworking, island, old, rws, sodor, steam, tender, thehorizons, topham, ttte, two, wise
Edward is the number two engine on the Fat Controller's railway which is the North Western Railway (NWR). It is one of the oldest engines on Sodor. Often other engines will make fun of him due to his old age which used to bother him. Though, now he doesn't let it bother him and doesn?t take their nonsense. Still, he is very hardworking and is willing to take both trucks, and coaches and do shunting. (Yes, tender engines do shunt!) He also is a banker engine up the steep gradient called Gordon?s Hill. Edward is very wise and very friendly. Many engines look to him for wisdom. Edward runs his branch line called the Brendam Branch Line with BoCo the kind diesel.
NOTE: This version is based on the Railway Series version of him. The Railway Series is the book series on which the show was based. The book series was made by the Reverend Awdry. There are slight differences in the underpart of the boiler which made his face smaller on the smokebox with some slight modifications.
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In my opinion, to me, Edward is one of my favorite characters alongside Douglas and Gordon. I wish Edward got more screentime cause he was the first engine/character ever made by the Reverend and was in the first book made. It is a shame the later seasons treated this engine like a background character and sent him off in an undignified way.
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