
By TheHorizons
08/07/2022 - 04:11:17

Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 6 (Good)
Tags: 321aerobird, 7, bell, box, brachline, brown, engine, henrietta, railway, seven, square, steam, thehorizons, toby, tram, wood


Toby is the number 7 engine of the Fat Controller's railway. He is a tram engine and no, he is not electric. He is often seen with his faithful coach, Henrietta on Thomas?s branch line (Ffarquhar Branch Line). He is an old engine and its design makes him weaker compared to other engines. He does get irritated with a younger engine?s antics (cough, cough Mavis..). He is still hard working and has a wise engine on the railway. He also has great control over those nasty trucks. NOTE: This design is based mostly on the model era and some of the CGI. Personality is based on seasons 1-7. (In those seasons Toby was the best in my opinion. So, in seasons 8-24 one often depicts him as being afraid and weak. Rarely shows his wisdom.) ATTENTION: You may use this creation, but please keep 321Aerobird and TheHorizons in the tags to give credit.


By TheHorizons

?Electric indeed! Electric indeed!?
?Toby (When he was asked if he was electric. In reality he is a steam tram. He got irritated over this. Episode Toby and the Stout Gentleman S-1, E-21)


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