By Vimzaz42
07/09/2022 - 23:19:55
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 5 (Good)
Tags: battleship, blue, bluster, brute, burn, conquer, culture, fight, fire, flame, fool, greeble, grey, hierarchy, might, red, set:thraddash, star control 2, thrall, war, weak
A hulking mass of bolted together metal and exposed wiring, the Thraddash Torch is easily the most technologically crude ship to ever be spaceworthy. It is, however, a surprisingly effective vessel when not squandered by a blustering Thraddash pilot. The secret to this potency is the Reeunk Afterburner, which propels the ship forward at lightning speed while leaving behind a fiery trail. So named for the unfortunate mechanic who accidentally stuck his cigar into the aft fuel valve of his vessel, a great burst of inspiration soon followed, and death not too long afterwards.
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