Ask Locust! 2
Not rated

By spksoulja
05/30/2022 - 21:31:20

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)
Tags: orignal template by auroradragoness


Kepri: Do you have a cruuuuush? (And if so, than who! Plz tell!) ;D

Locust: umm... actually i don't and good thing i haven't so, Okapi told me that Love is hard and folks can tend to cheat on you, you see Okapi doesn't want to at all, and your pretty btw.


By AuroraDragoness

Kepri: I used to like Vulcan, before I saw Darkstalker. That was when I realized he was ugly...,,,,,

By AuroraDragoness

Kepri: Thx! l3

By spksoulja

Locust: your always welcome!

By AuroraDragoness

Me: I have a HUUUUUUUUUGE crush on Wasp, I wanna touch her pretty, delicate wingssssss--- O.O

By AuroraDragoness

Kepri: Oh, thankyouuu~.


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