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By aquapony01/05/2022 - 22:45:10
Type: SpaceshipRating: 0.08 (Not rated)
Bluewing: A-Ask me...
By navegamer11 do a flip!
By navegamer11 lummey: two questions. one, are you okay? two, im blind right now can i pls have ur eyes
By AuroraDragoness WTF IS GOING ON--!????
By alcamie Wati: ?! Bluewing,,?! Is that- Is that you,,,? What happened? Why do you have blood on your hands-
By 7brother7 Bluewing: Genocidal Bluewing...are you my alter self?
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By navegamer11
do a flip!
By navegamer11
lummey: two questions. one, are you okay? two, im blind right now can i pls have ur eyes
By AuroraDragoness
By alcamie
Wati: ?! Bluewing,,?! Is that- Is that you,,,? What happened? Why do you have blood on your hands-
By 7brother7
Bluewing: Genocidal Bluewing...are you my alter self?