Hey guys!!!
Not rated

By aquapony
11/09/2021 - 18:04:36

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)


I know i haven't been posting recently but i'll try to log on more!!!


By 7brother7

Yeah, that's why i don't use gaprop sometimes either

By aquapony


By alcamie

I don't add gaprop cause i like adding other tags instead. Cause if you add other tags, gaprop becomes useless.

By alcamie

Adding gaprop in the tags prevents it from showing up as a spaceship in games and stuff. Never add gaprop to creatures though...

By aquapony

Why add gaprop?

By whiteblaze22

hello again!

By fungus3

add gaprop to your spaceship heads

By Kiyami_tsuki

Thats amazing.


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