Urban Tourer (Grey)
Not rated

By HRmatthew
04/24/2021 - 21:59:39

Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 0.28 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop


This cheap minivan allows passengers to enjoy a spacious interior and gigantic windows. Because that's worth trading automotive safety for.


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By BasePairs

Good Job! This is really good!

By robinsonchids

My first car wasn't huge, just the windows had no tint, hence the aquarium lol

By DareWrek

This is the cleanest, solid vehicle build I've seen

By DareWrek

ThanX! It's good to be back.

By Gonzalo218

Thanks for the comment! Also, I like this cheap-looking van. You've nailed the aesthetic here!

By Derezzed

R+, really clean work on this and your other recent vehicles

By robinsonchids

It's like an aquarium lol. Kinda like my first car that I drove...

By grindstone


By Icarax

The adventure, "Tooth and Nail", was actually going to be one of those episodes that I ultimately decided didn't fit exactly with the continuity, but still wanted to execute upon because I thought it'd be a fun adventure.

By Icarax

I don't want to make any promises, since I have no idea if I'll ever get around to finishing/releasing them, but I have been working on the scripts for an adventure series on the side.

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