Autism Post
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By R13426
04/01/2021 - 20:07:42

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: autism, continued in comments, credit to 64comet81, ribbon


It has come to my attention that the vast majority of people with autism lack college degrees and that approximately 80% worldwide are unemployed. In the 21st century this is unacceptable. It also seems a large number of people on Spore have autism...


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By Omegas16

Very good (Sorry im not English im Spanish)

By PizzaMonster01

I know my campus has an Autism Speaks group thing, but I'm sure you've already heard of all the controversy regarding those guys, so I'm hoping there are other options. lol

By PizzaMonster01

Thank you very much ^-^

By PizzaMonster01

Subbed to the sporecast btw

By PizzaMonster01

I'm headed for a Zoology degree sometime soon, currently doing things online. I dunno if I can handle it in person, but I think it's important I at least try.

By PizzaMonster01

Ooh, a fellow autistic. Hello!

By R13426

First piece of advice since I have an undergraduate degree in molecular biology: vocational rehabilitation and social security can be the difference between making it through college and not getting the help/accommodations needed to make it.

By RG4327

I'm also autistic, I couldn't finish my degree in biology due to frequent sensory overloads.

By Gromenax

Sorry for commentint about it in here, but I dont know another way. I made the no CaC version u asked for and posted it

By R13426

Note: If enough people show an interest in such a thing I may turn this into part of a semi-official Spore based autism support group

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