!-Chaolin Retold Announcement-!

By ChaolinDrake
09/03/2020 - 04:01:00
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: gaprop
If you played the ---Teaser--- (which you should play) It's confirmed I'm rebooting the Chaolin Mission/Adventure in the form of Chaolin Retold which is a reboot for the series that will fix the mess of the former.
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By ChaolinDrake
However I'll try to keep the story as close as possible.
By ChaolinDrake
Forgot to say this about Chaolin Mission Fixed, when I said grammar I mean also improving the story a bit.
By ChaolinDrake
oh and the ones that bot parts creations mainly the first few will be replaced with non bot part ones.
By ChaolinDrake
(Note) Chaolin Adventure 1 a 2 will be untouched in the fixed version and Chaolin Mission 12.5 for obvious reasons
By ChaolinDrake
Which will be fixes to the bad balance mostly, but also some other fixes and Ep 9 a 13 part 2 would be reworked and fully playable.
By ChaolinDrake
In fact I will be also Introducing a fix version of Chaolin Mission dubbed Chaolin Mission Fixed which as it states.
By ChaolinDrake
Tho that doesn't mean that Chaolin Mission will be 100% non-canon. however is now part of the Bad Chaolin Canon,
By ChaolinDrake
The bad grammar, the non-connected story, the bad balance, not being captain locked, the unnecessary InfernoHammer drama plot, etc:
By ChaolinDrake
The idea is too fix the bad storytelling and basically everything wrong and stupid with the series which includes.