!Livaira's Moon!
Not rated


By Lilcloudofsparkz
03/24/2020 - 23:39:41

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: alien, ecoverse, livaira revamp, moon


Livaira's moon Orium, roughly the same size as earth's moon. Gives Livaira it's tidal waves and beautiful night sky.


By Omegasquid

Why are you afraid that you might mess something up? Idk why some people have that mindset it's not like we're going to punish you for you mistake(s) lmao.

By Lilcloudofsparkz


By Omegasquid

I have an idea for us SpecEvo players, we should all work on a single project for a week and than move on to a different one the following week you know what I mean? (check out my newest creation if the desc seems to be incomplete than tell me)

By R13426

Re: Okay cool. There?s a few Livaira creatures that are already high enough quality to add to my Metaverse and I?m sure there will be more the more you practice :)


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