Not rated
By ProfAlba
02/10/2020 - 00:39:05
Type: Colonial creature
Rating: 0.29 (Not rated)
Tags: mech, mollusc in a suit
Ilmoobloo are a small, squishy species that have built machines to compensate for what they lack physically.
They usually work as mercenaries, and will not hesitate to shoot each other if they end up working for rival employers.
DNA points
DNA points
31 Bones | 2 Feet | 2 Hands |
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +1
Health: +1
0 %
0 %
37.49 %
Sociability 2 / 20 | Aggressiveness 4 / 20 | Abilities 1 / 15 |
1 / 5 | 2 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
1 / 5 | 1 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 1 / 5 | 1 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
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By ProfAlba
No it's just a random mollusc I came up with. It actually makes me think of Tyhrranoids from ratchet and clank more.
By Aladingenie
The pilot is based on the GA mascot isn't he?
By ProfAlba
It's a mod that lets you move parts like in the building editor. Ctrl to move parts vertically and shift horizontally. Makes it easier as there is no need to use hidden parts to make make better detailling.
By BobHaroldson
@ProfAlba btw what's a advance creature editor?
By ProfAlba
@BobHaroldson : Oh yeah it does. There was a movie called parasite but there was also an manga/anime. You're thinking about the anime.
By BobHaroldson
also why do they look like that protagonist's uhh left or right hand from some movie called parasite
By R13426
LOL what's with all the molluscs in suits? :P
By BobHaroldson
it's cool
By Omegasquid
Okie dokie I just shared my guy, his name is "Sqoid".
By ProfAlba
Go for it!
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