What Was Done
Not rated

By Aladingenie
04/05/2019 - 23:47:16

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: cutscenes, cyborg, interiors, locked captain, octopus, pirates, space, story


If war is Hell, then who is the Devil?
And if it is Armageddon, then who is the judge?



By lbdrudi

pls teach how to make a cutscene i've been trying to find it out for hours but idk how to make cutscenes, i know how to position the camera in the right place but the props that are in front of the camera become invisible, pls tell me how you do it!!!!

By Paxnfacto

I can't say much about the enviroment because I don't have Cac so I had to play it in the editor and Did not get a complete download -but the story line was very intertesting! Sad but interesting...nice work

By SandyJam



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