Money Plant
Not rated

By UlyssesK402
01/04/2019 - 22:11:48

Type: Factory building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop


These plants were convienient because they grew literal sporebucks, although they were a little slow. They slowley became extinct due to a lack of use and a load of predators in the wild. They, however, have since evolved a more appealing shape. (comments)


By sefmonsta

New Tron GA is out!

By Cellsquidy5

I just used them because I was too lazy to make another Xa'lien civilian.

By Cellsquidy5

Female Xa'lien never see combat, and neither gender are phsically strong.

By Cellsquidy5

Nono, you badly misunderstood that. Those ''Females'' are just supposed to be civilians in the adventure.

By UlyssesK402


By UlyssesK402

Plus, they could thrive in the wild, which was convienient to those going on walks in wildlife areas, as they could pick the money off of these as they went along.

By UlyssesK402

This shape also features thorns for the purpose of warding off anything that wanted to eat this in the wild. These two things have brought them far from extinction, as people wanted them even more, even if it was just decoration.


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