By Sharples65
11/05/2018 - 15:14:07
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: sharples65
A Coronal Mass Ejection Producer is a super weapon developed by the Grox to act as a massive EMP disrupter. The size of these devices are typically that of a small moon. The device's conception has been nothing more than science fiction for thousands of years and been through generations of theorising. Such a weapon designed to break the stalemate between the GC (Galactic Community) coalition and the Grox forces involving Planet Buster warfare, star capturing and star fleets. They are the perfect countermeasure towards anything electronic. They do this by manipulating a star to create numerous of sun spots and then channelling the production of this energy (CME) into the desired location. These devices were designed to completely strip a planets magnetic field, once the magnetic field is rendered marginal, the solar storms can strip the entire atmosphere of a planet, if the defenders of said planet were still to live under the conditions of no atmosphere, the solar radiation would be extreme, causing fatal cancers to spring up in a matter of hours or days. The deterrence of such a device is extremely difficult, as getting near such a device is impossible due to the EMP field being trillions of miles across, pretty much making any attacker to lose their power source once they try to disable such a system, even if they got near, this device would be heavily guarded, making it practically impossible to destroy. The only countermeasure known is to add an extreme amount of magnetic shielding to a starship, which is both very costly and hard to create. Much like a nuclear bomb in the early days where no real deterrent could seriously challenge it's production.
I understand doing a big wall of text! You only get so many slot/spaces to type tends to just try to get all of one's words in as possible.where each didgit is gold and thus can't be wasted!
By Sean1M-Races
RE: Yeah I do use that but its still very inconvenient to read compared to what paragraphs would achieve. I've since taken to using Google Docs for lengthy info.
By Sean1M-Races
RE: Just a big wall of text to me. Not a paragraph in sight.
By CreepingTerror
interesting satellite array design !!
By CreepingTerror
going to re-color it dark... orbital killer
By 5poreMasterHi
RE: Good boy Sharp for doing your civil duty.