Xa'lien Archangel
Not rated

By Cellsquidy5
09/23/2018 - 03:18:40

Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: ., anti-armor, can also emmit a experimental barrier for added protection, cellsquidy5, energy, expensive techology, heavy, heavy armor, high tech, hull, mechanical, red, shields, spore universe armor, tank, twenty plus weapons, xa'lien


Massive Xa'lien heavy tank. It is known for incredible shielding and armor. It's enough to withstand over a few million tons of tnt, or tons of pressure. They are armed with over 20+ weapon systems, including an anti armor arcilite cannon (Energy Shells).


By Cellsquidy5

Archangels are still considered a new design, and are made from incredibly advanced fabrication technology.

By Cellsquidy5

These mammoths are based of the supertank Armageddon, and preceded the project.


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