The Extent
By typomazoku
11/09/2016 - 03:35:03
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 15 (Good)
Tags: crobian, dimensions, extent, typomazoku
This is a prototype Crobian ship featuring a unique dimensional drive. In this case, dimension refers to both scale and worlds. It creates an energy field allowing for travel through quantum foam. The ship is powered by five Crobian Sleepers.
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By DireSquidGuy
As for the rest of the ship... this is amazing, typo.
By DireSquidGuy
Oh whoa! Clever usage of lights to give the illusion of a glowing core, dude. :)
By Mavor
Very nice design.
By Starcutter
loving the desc.!
By Artemis10
very cool!
By unexpectedbill3
I'd say so, R+
By RG4327
Yes! I really like the overall shape of this spaceship R+
By Arlopi
By typomazoku
Have I finally made a decent spaceship? o.o