
By RJB6785
11/01/2016 - 22:07:13

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 2.5 (Good)
Tags: ablutophobia, fear of washing/bathing, phobia, sink, washing


Ablutophobia is the fear of bathing/washing. The person with this phobia can be afraid of taking showers, washing hands or be completely afraid of all washing.
The phobia causes extreme anxiety, dread and/or panic attacks.


By charliesmasher

Maybe I dont know

By charliesmasher

This is because in world war 2, The nazis would of asked the gewish in the camps to take a shower. but little did they know the showers had gas in the water so it was easy of them to kill the gews.

By unexpectedbill3

lol, handy indeed. nice bubbles. R+

By CreepingTerror

We studied Phobias for many years... Looking forward to your up-coming creations!!


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