Maskcot Role Play!
Not rated
By ChainsawDoggie
09/07/2016 - 00:57:01
Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: by chainsawdoggie, rp
Well i'm bored and i've been wanting to do this for a wile so here! Now you can play as any of YOUR maskcots or a bunch (that what i'm going to do at least) Have fun!
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By ChainsawDoggie
(Something looks out of shade's bag) ???:Can I come out now?/ Shade:Not right now plush./ ???:but your squshing me!/ Shade: (move the bag on the table) there you happy now?/ ???:yeah...
By ChainsawDoggie
(Shade and S-P walk into a bar and sit)Shade:(looks at S-P)you know you didn't have to come here right?/ S-P:I d.on't tr..us.t th..is pl.as..e so th.a.t's w.hy I ca..me