Honorable Mentions - Land

By HRmatthew
08/04/2016 - 23:11:43

Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 6 (Good)
Tags: cass01, chucktheprophet, darewrek, dragonseye, honorable, hrmatthew, maraudercontestmm, mentions, sefmonsta


The judges believed that a Top 3 was not enough to recognize some really great entries. 5 have been awarded: DareWrek's "Die-Scream", Dragonseye's "Goliath", Cass 01's "Harasser", sefmonsta's "Nissan Funny", and ChuckTheProphet's "Streetcar Named Destructi


By VanDem

It does indeed run on high graphics.

By sefmonsta

@65Cyborg: links to creators in the tags

By Emperorgrox

Ahh. As a great contest comes to a close, what's next in the history of Spore? Who knows.

By 65Cyborg

links would be nice

By DareWrek

I'm greatly honored!! This contest was huge! Will go down in history

By sefmonsta

Thanks guys! Great contest... it was fun taking part and a fun build!

By ChuckTheProphet

Oh, neat! All the entries looked great, thanks for considering mine worthy a mention.


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