Captain Metalclaw
Not rated

By Aladingenie
02/15/2016 - 20:23:12

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: bar, cyborgs, kain, quilahn, spacepirate


Kain Quilahn, spacecaptain of the fallen Kairyon Empire, has come to Bad Wolf Bar seeking new employment, but he has no idea what sort of a job he's about to sign up for...



By Cellsquidy5

It's not in my game. :/

By Cellsquidy5

This one?

By Cellsquidy5

Look it up in the spore forms. :)

By Cellsquidy5

Good news. I did some research and found out that Windows 10 is compatable with Spore.

By Derezzed

Sure, I'll check it out soon as I have the time.


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