
By 828Artist
11/17/2015 - 00:59:53

Type: Creature
Rating: 3.38 (Good)
Tags: 828artist, black, gaprop, humanlike, limbwork, man, sew, spider, spider-man!!!, ubd, weird


First UBD in a long while. I'm pretty happy with the results. Not really scary as it is intriguing, I'll say.


DNA points
58 Bones0 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +2
5 %
7 %
3 / 20
2 / 20
0 / 15
1 / 52 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 50 / 5
2 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By DinoEetu

................................................................................................................................................ I HAVE NO WORDS TO SAY...

By theshadowofeast

Oh! I must say that this is disturbingly beautiful! >:D

By properhealth

thanks dude. Also using core spore only didn't even occur to me lol. Just didn't feel the need to use creepy and cute.

By Clumpy10

Thank you very much. Love how the limbs are shaped and placed. Job well done on the colors too. :)

By properhealth

I know what we're talking about, just a lot of useless memorization that you can't figure out using previous experience like math. Also languages suuuuck. I'm getting a BS because I need languages for a BA lol

By properhealth

all i really gotta study for is chemistry. I'm a physics major, and chemistry is the bane of my existence. the rest is easy math or humanities. :P

By properhealth

and it only took me having to buy a digital copy of spore and losing GA because of it. :D but yeah. im back. sorta. ive got finals next week so i'll do what i can lol

By SissyGamer3

yah, on the sporum there is this Creative-Create-Off of Creativity challenge. i've particapated in it but sadly no one else can join because the challenge has begun

By Odonost

Though time really shouldn't be an impediment to the creation quality, you should take as much as you need to finish something to your liking.

By Odonost

If you're pressed for time, I would work on a creation in short bursts (ie: 15 minutes there, 30 here...) Almost none of my creations are made from a single session of creating lol,

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