Dead Space Aftermath Template
Not rated

By SirIsaacC
06/23/2015 - 03:15:39

Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: dead space, isaac, sneak peek, template, usg ishimura


A template for my extremely large series of Dead Space Aftermath! I will be using this template for my series. Now you guys can get a sneak peek of my series!



By HRmatthew

Again, watch your language. some of it is not necessary

By spinosaurus725

This looks like it'll be pretty cool! :D And non Creepy and Cute too!

By SirIsaacC

This Template took a LONG TIME! I was working on it 24/7. Now you guys can enjoy the USG Ishimura! Also big thanks to Hk1x1 and HRmatthew! P.S.: there is an easter egg at the beginning... find it!


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