High bypass turbofan engine
Not rated

By SlappingMachine9
02/10/2015 - 12:02:36

Type: Colonial air vehicle
Rating: 0.45 (Not rated)


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By SlappingMachine9

Now try and build a fighter under this. Anyone who makes one will get a trophy

By Hilight

Well done R+

By Alxz0rz

great looking piece of tech. R+

By Hav0c54

Rated up, BTW!

By Hav0c54

This is really cool! Reminds me of the Podracers from Star Wars.

By SlappingMachine9

@DH106. It is just certain holes. The first one being the fan in the back being part of the exhaust assembly. The other being just hollow. And the third tiny hole being the main exhaust. It was not added here

By Sushi Star

Cool, looks powerful O.O Nice work

By DH106

Looking at this in the editor, I am kind of wondering about the 3 concentrical air outlets in the back. Does this have two bypass streams in addition to the hot flow?

By DH106

This one is a beauty. R+.

By SlappingMachine9


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